The Innovators

Formed in 1986 by three independent family owned business, The Q Partnership supplies the Fish & Chip industry with goods and services all throughout the UK. Henry Colbeck; based in the North East, cover Northern/Eastern England and Scotland, VA Whitley; based in the North West cover Western England and Wales and Friars Pride; based in the South cover Southern/Mid England.

Between the three companies we supply and distribute over 1,200 individual frozen and ambient product lines to over 7000 Fish & Chip shops, from 11 distribution centres in the UK.

With a combined trading history of 280 years, The Q Partnership have a wealth of experience in supplying and developing products for the Fish & Chip market.

Q Partnership Logo

Frozen At Sea Fish

Henry Colbeck, VA Whitley and Friars Pride are significant suppliers of Frozen at Sea Fish and IQF Fish to the UK Fish & Chip market.

The Q Partnership has commercial links with a number of trawler companies and as a result we are able to supply the market with a wide range of Fish products.

The Q Partnership sources frozen-at-sea Cod & Haddock from the sustainable fishing grounds of the North Atlantic and the Barents Sea.

Save & Select Loyalty Scheme

Save & Select is the long-running loyalty scheme available to customers of the Q Partnership. Save & Select rewards customers for purchasing specific products.

Whenever these products are purchased, Save & Select points are automatically allocated to the customers account.

The scheme is fully computerised with no registration process. All Q Partnership customers are automatically enrolled.

Our Brands

The Q Partnership's brands are among the leading products sold into the Fish & Chip market. Since 1986.

The Q Partnership have also developed a significant number of new products and concepts including the 2 compartment Fish & Chip box and The Lite-BITE.


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Henry Colbeck